Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil continues the story of the unicorn.
Maleficent 2 is Angelina Jolie's new film that takes us back to the world of this devilish mistress and a few years after the events of the first film. Maleficent's first film ended with the awakening of "Princess Aurora" (starring El Fanning) instead of "Prince Philip" by Malificent and the defeat of the tyrannical king. The film premiered in May 2014, starring Angelina Jolie and, in an unusual way, showed compassion and sympathy for the Disney animated classic Sleeping Beauty, which received a variety of feedback, but nevertheless , The film did a good job in box office. Maleficent 2: The Devil's Mistress didn't succeed on the previous title in Box Office and sold $ 491 million against its $ 185 million budget so far. The previous film was able to generate $ 758.5 million, about four times the $ 180 million budget. In the first film, instead of being a negative role (as it was in the stories), Malifense became an anti-hero. In this version, Malificent still spells Aurora at her 16th birthday to fall asleep. He does this because King Stefan had betrayed him during his youth, and the Aurora spell was actually his revenge on John for this betrayal. There is still Prince Philip in the story, but in fact he is not Aurora's true love, but it is the Malificent who awakens her with his kiss and cares for her as Aurora's mother. The two then work together to defeat King Stephen, who is trying to kill the Malificent. At the end of the film, Aurora is chosen as the new queen for the alliance of Morse (the Moors, the magical realm of the devil's mistress) and the realm of humans, and this is a happy ending, but is this all?
Maleficent 2 is the story of the first film, dealing with things like love and loss. Maleficent 2: The Devil's Mistress again removes the stereotypes of Disney movies where the princess is rescued. In the first film, it wasn't Prince Philip's kiss that awakened Aurora, but the kiss itself. Apart from the details and traps of the original film story, it is interesting to see the relationship between the characters and the fictional orientations in the new film; especially the relationship between Malifisent and Queen Ingrid is interesting in its own way, as the conflict between them is one of the strengths of the film. The long-running post-production process that Maleficent 2 had to go was due to the film's magical creatures and the visual effects of Malificent's newly recovered powers.